Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 1 - PragProWriMo / NaNoWriMo

It's November again, which means that it's time to spend some focus time writing. After a little bit of a slow start with day one of writing, I'm at 1,292 words. The pace that I try to set is 2,000 words per day, which leaves a chance to take one day off each week and still hit the NaNoWriMo target for 50,000 words. The official goal for PragProWriMo is 2 pages per day, which would be well under a 2,000 word/day goal.

I've been distracted and not really planning for November, unlike last year. Last year, I had an outline developed and some sketches down on paper before I started writing The Practical Data Warehouse. This year, I spend the evening watching TV, commented to my wife that I really didn't have any clue on what to write... then took her advice and just started writing. This years concoction:

The Enterprise Information Portfolio
A Model for the People, Applications, Processes, and Data of an Organization

As November rolls on, I'll be posting snippets from the text. Good luck to all the other NaNoWriMo and PragProWriMo authors out there!!

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